This is what my bike looks like, but were I less fearful of coaster breaks and buying important things online, I would get a bike from here. Swify Nifty! Free Pee Wee! The Green Lantern! You guys, it's finally happened, I'm so won over by the whimsy of a U-Lock and wind in my face and getting to North Fifth in under three minutes that I'm looking at bike porn.
Molly!!!! I love your bike! Let's ride together! I know all the best streets! Soooo excited!
I don't even know who you are anymore.
sry jason i only talk to cute bearded boys who ride "fixies" now L.O.L.
I have been thinking about getting a bike but I want a cutesy one with a basket?
DUDE jamie get one of the ones i linked to on bike slug they are soooo cute and have baskets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
because of my bike's layout i have to attach a basket in the back which is less fun, front baskets = more aesthetically pleasing.
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