Sunday, September 27, 2009

brief interviews with hideous men

So it's probably a failure if you host a screening and Q&A of your movie and the viewing group leaves not only hating your movie, but also leave thinking that you come off like an incredibly annoying person who they would constantly shit-talk if you were in their group of friends?


Jamie said...

What screening was this????

needlemensch said...

i saw the trailer and i am obsessed. with. how. bad. this. movie. looks. jim from the american office + DFW = ultimate depressing brofest.

give me details.

mjrjr said...

emma it's really interestingly bad. like, it's pathetic. jim looks like a giant anthropomorphic ham and everyone else is a total figurative ham (only hamminess that works = chris meloni, as always, a gem). it's totally misguided and creepily sexist in the typical way where "sensitive guys" who love indie rock are always the most misogynistic of all.

also i left in the middle of the q and a because it was lots of vaguely homely nyu girls standing up and giggling and saying "hi, my name is heather, and i just wanted to let you know..."

mjrjr said...

if my comment makes me sound like i'm full of hate and spite...i'm not

Frankie said...

If you want to experience these feelings again, I definitely recommend "Away We Go."

needlemensch said...

"it's totally misguided and creepily sexist in the typical way where "sensitive guys" who love indie rock are always the most misogynistic of all."

so true. lolz 2 "homely nyu girls" and i am also obsessed with how bad "away we go" looked, although jim from the american office looked fione with that beard.

mjrjr said...

i am interested to see away we go in the same way you'd be interested in, like, seeing an annoying acquaintance do a performance piece. which is, barely and smugly, but not enough to pay money for it. emma not even a beard can help his giant pliable-looking-but-not-actually-twisty-or-expressive face.