Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Do know that I am a passionate fan of your Brand, but moreover, I do not mince words. So I must say that your decision to add two locations to the UPPER WEST SIDE and CHELSEA is 100% MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE. Adding locations to two very affluent neighborhoods, one of which is within WALKING DISTANCE from a current location, sickens me. If the residents of Chelsea are too lazy to walk to the Union Square location, they DON'T DESERVE discount groceries at all. And please, let's not even get into the sickening choice of an Upper West Side location - a veritable land of milk and honey for supermarkets. Whole Foods. Fairway. All those expensive Jewish-slanted places. Dozens of Gristides-type joints. Appalling.

You know where the two new locations should go? I'll tell you. THE BRONX and LONG ISLAND CITY. I know in my heart that there should be a TJ's in the Bronx (or, at the very least, in Inwood), but it's of very little relevance to me lest my greatest GEOGRAPHIC FEARS come true and I student teach there, but let's talk LIC: a fine produce and microwavable burrito center for the denizens of the SEVEN TRAIN, the "far end" of the G away from the easy tidings of Cobble Hill, the E and the V: a supermarket for the part of Queens that DOESN'T HAVE A CAR. I DO NOT "GET" QUEENS, but I "get" that this need must be filled, and I "get" that justice must be served.

I will continue to buy your pizzas and edamame, and to have heartwrenching conversations with every checkout person I meet, but DO KNOW SIRS that it will be through clenched teeth and twisted heart!

- Molly


Jamie said...

Molly, for my own personal sanity, I want one in UWS. It would be so much easier for me to shop at TJ's (and if you come to Teacher's College, the same) if it was only 20 minutes away instead of 40 minutes away.

Long Island City is hyper gentrified, let's not kid ourselves!

mjrjr said...

Fine, there can be one in the UWS, but no lower than 125th street

zanimal said...

dude, what about one actually in williamsburg or gpoint? No TJs is convenient for me.

mjrjr said...

there realistically won't be a tj's in williamsburg for a long time because the union square one is off the L...but think about it...do you really WANT a tj's in your neighborhood? think of all the people on the street, the nosie, the crazy traffic. while there are a lot of good places in greenpoint near the chemical plant, or perhaps where all the zoners are building high-rises by the greenpoint g, the best option is definitely on your subway line but 2-3 stops away

Frankie said...

At least the Chelsea one might reduce overcrowding in the Union Square one. I love Trader Joe's, but I had to stop going because I just couldn't deal with the crowds.