Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I want to be a "regular" somewhere or have a "regular" order.

3. Guy who bought porn at Sam Goody and would always say "Oh boy-oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy!"
2. Angry couple at Chums, the Dairy King and Queene, a very special pair of regulars because they were loners who came into Chums to order disgusting amounts of dairy seperately, and then fell in love and ordered together. The Dairy King would always order for them: "Grilled cheese, one pizza bagel, an order of mozzarella sticks, a cappuccino, and a nice, tall, glass of milk." A nice tall glass of milk indignantly closed every order. They were jerks.
1. Best regular of all time, Rivers at Kims, who would stagger to the counter in a Hawaiian shirt with a randomly selected foreign rew release and say the same thing every time: "the name's Rivers, and I'm payin for it."

These people have made such a strong impression on me as a Woman Behind the Counter that I want have this somewhere with someone. To be someone they roll their eyes at, but who secretly means a lot in their predictability and support. Does anyone have any suggestions of places to become a "regular"? Is any sane person under the age of 25 a "regular" anywhere?

1 comment:

Frankie said...

A foolproof way to do this is to become the only white regular at a decidedly ethnic establishment -- ideally, a place where the staff doesn't even speak English. You will always be That Pitiful White Girl Trying To Broaden Her Horizons Who Thinks That Shouting Loudly In English Will Help Us Understand Her. The best part is, this doesn't even require social interaction!