Sunday, November 1, 2009

Yesterday Emily and I accomplished a WHOLE LOT, and it heralded back to a day last May which, in many ways, I consider to be the "best day ever" because of the synergy and productivity involved:

7:00 - wake up, walk from Greenpoint to the Marcy JMZ, get a pumpernickel bagel with scallion tofutti and tomato from Bagelsmith. For today is not an ordinary day with an ordinary commute: today is JURY DUTY.

8:00-9:30 - watch hilarious instructional videos about the law and slowly realize, after being shifted from help desk to help desk, that I was incorrectly called into Manhattan Jury Duty, while I am actually a Brooklyn resident. I am dismissed and, rather than drudge into midtown for work, I do not divulge that I was dismissed and take the rest of the Thursday to my personal gains. Such as:

10:00 - 11:30ish - Brooklyn Trader Joe's - uncrowded and lovely
12:00 - 1:30 - TAKING A POWER NAP on my couch while watching a DVD
1:30 - 3:00 - GRILLING CORN on the fire escape with the roomie - and directly before this, I picked up some interlibrary loans around the corner, that's how "on" this day was.
3:30ish - BIKRAM YOGA on N7th and smiling smugly the whole time

6:00ish - meet Meg at the New Museum for free day and saunter through the "eh" exhibit dutifully yet joyously. We get ICED COFFEE and then SEE STAR TREK, which, while I am no fan of the Union Square movie theater, was so so so awesome.

Then I went to sleep, probably before 12.

Whenever I think of this day I smile so big. The only thing that could have made it better would be if I actually had jury duty. But some day. Some day.


needlemensch said...

molly dis is your boss. i have read that you exploited a government error to gain a 'free day off work' and watch star trek and i have decided 2 terminate u.

mjrjr said...