Thursday, April 15, 2010

2 cinematic observations, 1 my own

1. Apollo 13 is missing Jeff Goldblum - seriously, how did he not get cast in that movie?
2. "Sentences I never thought I'd write: Nicholas Cage gives the most nuanced performance in this movie." - Dana Stevens, Slate, on Kick-Ass


needlemensch said...

1. i bet goldblum is stlll really touchy about apollo 13. "they offered it to me! i didn't take it! leave me!"

2. hahahahahahahahah.

mjrjr said...

new concept: imagining goldblum in every role gary sinese has ever taken (of mice and men, apollo 13, LT. DAN). feel like sinese is like the cornell to goldblum's harvard, casting-wise.

mjrjr said...

ok that was sensationalist and i take it back but you know what i mean