The scene: an office meeting, a small branch of a large company; affluent thirty-somethings and their three young assistants are sitting around a table making innocuous chitchat before getting down to business. Most of them had seen Russell Brand perform stand-up the night before. They are raving to the staff who had not attended the show.
BOSS 1: I can't believe how funny he was.
ASSISTANT 1: I know.
BOSS 1: He's brilliant.
ASSISTANT 2: How does he even come up with his jokes?
ASSISTANT 1: It's totally beyond me.
Cut to ASSISTANT 3. She still has vague dreams of a career in comedy even though this job often leaves her too emotionally devastated to be creative. She is very uncomfortable.
BOSS 1: And the thing was, do you believe it, this girl was heckling him. At his comedy show!
ASSISTANT 2: That's insane.
BOSS 1: She was like, "I want you Russell, you're so sexy, I want you!," and Russell got so pissed, after a while, he had the tech guy turn the house lights on her, and then he made her stand up and he had the whole audience jeer at her, this fat girl, and then she ran out crying.
BOSS 3: She was totally asking for that!
ASSISTANT 1: I know! I mean, doing the sort of stand-up he does...doing stand-up...it's like doing brain surgery. You can't interrupt that!
[ASSISTANT 3 sits, incredulous, and knows that she can never truly live in a world where Russell Brand has found success, no matter how good a song "Hot and Cold" is.]
1 comment:
in re premise of this movie: 72 hours is plenty of time to get someone from london to la!
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